Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Coolest Baby Basket Ever!!

A recent thumb injury has slowed down my knitting projects, and at the height of the holiday season!  I decided that while slicing potatoes it would be a really good idea to slice my thumb too.  No worries, everything is ok, no stitches, no loss of fingers or digits.  However, it does make things challenging, but knitting isn’t too affected since I don’t use my thumb that much.

Since I don’t have pictures of recently finished projects to post I’ll post a picture of the baby basket I just finished the other day for Luke’s cousin.  Luke’s cousins Sara is having her first baby! A baby boy named Vaughn.  I really enjoyed making everything in here, and am now ready to not use blue for a very long time!
Not going to lie, I'm pretty damn proud of this basket!  It's probably the coolest thing I've made in a long time!

I have individual photos of everything I made that's in this basket (since both Kaitlin my sister, and Mary my best friend don't live in Michigan I had to e-mail them photos).  However, I figure most people don't want to see 6 individual photos, so I decided to just post the overall picture of everything all put together.  Look for the individual photos on Fridays, which I've decided is going to be Past Project Fridays.


  1. Hi Erin!! I wish I knew how to knit and make awesome things like you. <3 I love the baby basket, especially the Bear Feet.

  2. Erin, I'd like to see the picture of the horses head! It's a true delight, the oddest knitted thing I ever saw!!
